Jquery Validate Cannot Read Property 'settings' of Undefined


All my post types, content templates and views are set. And all of sudden a lot of functions stopped working. When I'k trying to add pictures, incorrect pictures come out in the front. The accost field in post editor is not loading the map anymore and information technology all seems to come from this error (so this fault comes in the panel when I want to add a new mail of custom postal service blazon):

jquery.validate.min.js?ver=1.eight.i:fifteen Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read holding 'settings' of undefined

quicktags.min.js?ver=5.one.1:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read belongings 'bs_component_show_hide_button' of undefined

I've already tried to switch themes, conciliate all plugins, zip helps.

For example: try to add a new custom post, for example: Add New Essential, yous volition see that when you lot try to upload an prototype (click checkbox premium to exist able to upload a header image) it will first refresh the page and after that you can upload it, just it is non shown on the front end correctly.

The only thing that fabricated it work again was deleting all relationships, only obviously I tin can't practice that because the whole site is build off them.

Kind regards,


Ok, the problem above I seemed to accept solved by not opening specific custom fields by checking a checkbox in the post editors.

But now another problem has come up. I used to be able to output championship, alt, caption, id and tags by attachments url's, but this somehow doesn't work anymore.

This is a shortcode instance:
[wpv_display_file_name info="id" url="[wpv-post-featured-prototype size='total' output='url']"]

And this is the function I use:
add_shortcode( 'wpv_display_file_name', 'wpv_display_file_title_func');
role wpv_display_file_title_func($atts) {

global $wpdb;
$atts = shortcode_atts( assortment(
'img' => '',
'url' => '',
'info' => '', // title, alt or id render
), $atts);
$res = '';
$url = $atts['url'];
$attachment_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE guid = %southward", $url
if($atts['info'] == 'title'){
$res = get_the_title($attachment_id);
if($atts['info'] == 'alt'){
$res = get_post_meta($attachment_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true);
if($atts['info'] == 'caption'){
$res = get_the_excerpt($attachment_id);
if($atts['info'] == 'id'){
$res = $attachment_id;
if($atts['info'] == 'tag'){
$res = get_the_term_list($attachment_id, 'post_tag');
return $res;

Information technology worked really well before, but now information technology doesn't anymore.

The login information is the aforementioned as I put in the previous bulletin.

Kind regards,




Languages: English (English )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Hello. Thank you for contacting the Toolset support.

Well - When yous try to display the featured paradigm using Types, now Types shortcode [wpv-post-featured-prototype] supports following output options:

'img' | 'url' | 'alt' | 'id' | 'author' | 'date' | 'clarification' | 'title' | 'caption'              

For example:

[wpv-post-featured-image output="championship"] - to display title of featured image [wpv-post-featured-image output="description"] - to display the description of the featured image              

More than info:


Hi Minesh,

Thats what I did. Just use the functions within Toolset, nonetheless it would be prissy to get the ID of an image generated in a custom field. I found this lawmaking, only it only works within some views merely not all:

office prefix_get_img_ids($atts) {
global $mail service;

$images = (array) get_post_meta($post->ID, 'wpcf-picture', false); // bandage to array in example there is only one item
$ids = assortment();

global $wpdb;

foreach($images as $img) {
$query = "SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE guid='$img'";
$id = $wpdb->get_var($query);
$ids[] = $id;

return implode(",",$ids);
add_shortcode("get-image-ids", "prefix_get_img_ids");

shortcode: [get-image-ids]

Is there a steady function and shortcode only to output an image id that is uploaded through a custom field?




Languages: English (English language )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Well - when you say "it only works within some views but non all" - Can you lot please share problem URL where you are using higher up shortcode with the view where the code is not working?


Already got information technology, just discovered that fields within repeatable groups are actually posts on themeselves, which ways they have their own 'id', am I right?




Languages: English (English language )

Timezone: Asia/Kolkata (GMT+05:30)

Well - each custom image volition be saved every bit divide post. yes, then it's postal service entry itself.


Ok, well this is plenty to create what I want. Thanks!


My event is resolved now. Thank you!


Source: https://toolset.com/forums/topic/uncaught-typeerror-cannot-read-property-settings-of-undefined-admin/

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