Autocad Electrical Get Drawing Wdm Properties
A special invisible block must be present on the drawing. The WD_M.dwg is found in the default symbol library. Here is an attribute list of information that is carried on the WD_M block of the drawing, sorted by category:
Drawing layout
SHEET or SHEET_ | sheet number for the drawing (%S) |
SHEETDWGNAME | optional drawing number for the drawing (%D) |
IEC_PROJ | optional IEC project code (%P) |
IEC_INST | optional IEC installation code (%I) |
IEC_LOC | optional IEC location code (%L) |
UNIT_SCL | units scaling factor (1.0 = inch, 1.0 = full-size mm, 25.4 = inch scaled up to mm) |
FEATURE_SCL | scaling adjustment (0 = default, 1.25=for 25% bigger) |
Ladder defaults
RUNGHORV | ladder orientation: "H" = horizontal rungs (vertical ladders); "V" = vertical rungs (horizontal ladders) |
REFNUMS | reference numbering system: ladder line reference-based or X-Y grid reference-based
RUNGDIST | default rung spacing |
DLADW | default ladder width |
RUNGINC | default rung-to-rung line reference increment (default = 1) |
DRWRUNG | draw ladder rungs: 0 = none, 1 = draw all rungs for new ladder, 2 = skip 1, 3 = skip 2, and so on. |
PH3SPACE | 3-phase bus spacing value |
Component tagging
TAGMODE | tag mode value: S = sequential, R = reference-based |
TAG-START | starting sequential number of the drawing -for sequential tagging only (that is, "1") |
TAG-RSUF | comma-delimited component tag suffix list -for reference-based tagging only (that is, "A, B, C") |
TAGFMT | component tag format specifier (default=%F%N) |
Wire number tagging
WIREMODE | wire number format: S = sequential, R = reference-based |
WIRE-START | starting sequential number of the drawing - for sequential tagging only (that is, "100") |
WIRE-RSUF | wire tag suffix list - for reference-based tagging only (that is, "A,B,C") |
WIREFMT | wire tag format specifier (default=%N) |
WINC | wire number increment |
WLEADERS | wire leaders: 0 = only as required, 1 = always insert wire leaders, 2 = never insert leaders |
GAP_STYLE | wire gap style: 0 = wire gap, 1 = use loops across gaps, 2 = solid crossing (no gap) |
SORTMODE | retag and wire numbering sort mode |
WNUM_OFFSET | wire number placement offset distance (GBL_wd_wnum_offset); same as the project-wide +[19] value in the .wdp file. 0.0 or missing= centered on wire (default), >0.0 = offset from top or left end by given distance |
Layer names
TAG_LAY | component tag layer |
TAGFIXED_LAY | fixed component tag layer |
DESC_LAY | description layer of the parent component |
CDESC_LAY | description layer of the child component |
TERM_LAY | component terminal pin numbers layer |
XREF_LAY | cross-reference layer of the parent component |
CXREF_LAY | cross-reference layer of the child component |
LOC_LAY | component location code layer |
POS_LAY | component position code layer |
MISC_LAY | miscellaneous layer |
COMP_LAY | layer for schematic component graphics |
LINK_LAY | dashed link lines layer |
LOCBOX_LAY | location box layer |
WIRELAYS | valid wire layer names where "" = all valid (comma-delimited) |
WIRENO_LAY | valid wire number |
WIRECOPY_LAY | extra wire number layer |
WIREFIXED_LAY | fixed wire layer |
WIREREF_LAY | terminal and signal arrow wire number layer |
Fan In/Out
FAN_INOUT_LAYS | valid layer names for Fan In/Out, single-line wires (comma-delimited) |
FAN_INOUT_STYLE | Fan In/Out symbol style number |
XREFFMT | cross-reference format specifier (default=%N) |
ALT_XREFFMT | optional cross-reference format for inter-drawing references (that is, %S-%N) |
XREF_STYLE | cross-reference style: 0 = text, 1 = graphical, 2 = table |
XREF_FLAGS | 1's bit = include unused contacts, 2's bit (if table)= include parent coil |
XREF_UNUSEDSTYLE | 0 = separate reference, 1 = contact count totals |
XREF_FILLWITH | cross-reference fill-with text |
XREF_SORT | 0 = sort by line reference, 1 = sort by pin list |
XREF_TXTBTWN | cross-reference text between references (text style cross-referencing) |
XREF_GRAPHIC | 0 = graphic, 1 = contact mapping (text), 2 = symbol mapping |
XREF_CONTACTMAP | contact mapping list |
XREF_TBLSTYLE | table style name |
XREF_TBLTITLE | table title |
XREF_TBLINDEX | table fields to include |
XREF_TBLFLDNAMS | table available field names |
XREF_TBLCOLJUST | table fields justification |
DATUMX | X coordinate origin for X-Y or X-zone |
DATUMY | Y coordinate origin for X-Y or X-zone |
DISTH | horizontal interval spacing for X-Y or X-zone |
DISTV | vertical interval spacing for X-Y referencing |
CHAR_H | horizontal starting character for X-Y or X-zone |
CHAR_V | vertical starting character for X-Y referencing |
HORIZ_FIRST | X-Y referencing format: 0 = V-H, 1 = H-V |
XY_DELIM | X-Y delimiter character |
PLC_STYLE | PLC module style code (default = 1) |
ARROW_STYLE | default signal arrow style number |
WNUM_GAP | list of 3 in line wire number/label gap settings (see WNUM_FLAGS bit 1 for toggle mode); value saved to GBL_wd_inline_gap as a list. nil or "(num1 num2 num3)" |
MISC_FLAGS | miscellaneous flags
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